I'm Ovilia and this blog is concerned about Web Front-End, my book reviews and other interesting topics. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me by email if you have any question.
In this post, we are going to introduce how to use THREE.ShaderPass
to write shaders for video from local camera and get pixel data from the rendered composer. We will take THREE.EdgeShader
as example and read the rendered edges from it.
Third-Party libraries sometimes come without AMD version. This post introduces a method to wrap them using shim. I’m going to take Three.js as example.
This post introduces how to draw a heatmap chart using Canvas. By the end of the post, you can get the result as shown in the following image.
This post introduces how to use JavaScript to upload a single image with dat.GUI. The file name of the image would be displayed in dat.GUI once the user chose an image.
This post talks about setting up Jade environment on GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages uses Jekyll for static HTML generating, which is how this very blog be hosted. You may probably find Jekyll lovely, after some period of adapting. Jekyll is especially more suitable for generating blogs than some random Websites. But for a general Website, we usually need to save ourselves from writing tags after tags. And Jade is what we needed.
Something you may not know about JavaScript delete.
2015 年 1 月 1 日至 2015 年 5 月 31 日总共读了 40 本书,其中 9 本还是技术书,这让我更觉得这半年读书之少了。从 2014 年初决定大规模读书以后,上半年读了 88 本,下半年读了 42 本。根据这一年半的读书经历,我觉得差不多维持在每半年 40 本的数量是合适的。我倒也没有太在意读书多少,但是如果一段时间这个数字小了,的确也会引起我的注意,是不是花的时间少了,或者是兴趣淡了?
2015 年 3 月参加并通过了阿里巴巴和百度的前端面试,前后历时三周,最后选择了阿里无线事业部作为暑假实习,但是也很向往 EFE 的 echarts 哦!有机会一定去体验下~ 这篇博客一来为自己作记录,二来希望给需要的人一些经验。