My attempt to use NodeBB could be largely attributed to the simplicity of its install instructions. Yet I ended up spending much more time fixing all kinds of install problems. :joy: So this post serves as a hint for someone who runs into a similar situation.
Installing MongoDB
MongoDB can be easily installed on Mac OS using brew.
But after that, I found myself fail to login with terminal.
Accoding to StackOverflow, this is because mongodb service is not running. And it worked after the following instruction.
Connect NodeBB with MongoDB
Create a user in MongoDB
As NodeBB install instructions states, the interactive installation is available with:
Well, it failed and gave the following error message:
I don’t know the default username and password of my MongoDB. So I created a new user and fixed this problem.
Before that, I also created a database called db-name by using use db-name. But this procedure is unnecessary, which I will explain later.
You don’t have to create the database
After that, I ran into the following error message:
I searched but found no similar questions, only knowing this concerned with creating something supposed to have unique name.
Yep. That’s why I shouldn’t create the database db-name in MongoDB shell. But this is really weired, right? You need to create a user, but not a database.
NodeBB admin should be the same with that of MongoDB
NodeBB told me to create an admin.
I thought this could be different from my MongoDB, but it turned out to be:
This could be fixed by using the same username and password of your MongoDB user.
All these steps are described by NodeBB as:
Run interactive installation:
./nodebb setup
You may leave all of the options as default.
You know what, this is how you teach someone to draw a horse: