Blog of Wenli Zhang - 羡辙杂俎
A blog that you won't read.

About Me

I'm Ovilia and this blog is concerned about Web Front-End, my book reviews and other interesting topics. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me by email if you have any question.

Technical PostsRSS

2014.04.27 19:38:20
Series: Dive into Web Front-End Programming

01 - The Whole Picture

In this post, we introduced what HTML, CSS and JavaScript are and how they can work together. HTML files define the content of Web pages, CSS the style, and JavaScript the interaction.

2014.04.27 17:24:00
Series: Dive into Web Front-End Programming

00 - About this series

This is an introduction of the series Dive into Web Front-End Programming.

2014.02.10 01:27:57

Syntax Highlighting for Jekyll

In this post, I’m going to explain how to set up syntax hightlighting for Jekyll in GitHub style. Although I would not say GitHub code syntax style is the prettiest one, it is a good choice if you don’t want to write your own.

2014.02.09 22:08:18
Series: How I made ...

How I made jCorner

In this post, I’m going to explain how to make jCorner, a jQuery plugin to create paper folding effect at the bottom-right corner.

2013.11.02 14:39:00
Series: JavaScript Language Feature

Sorting In JavaScript

How JavaScript Array.prototype.sort behaviors and what you should be careful with when you use it.

2013.10.24 13:35:00

RSS Is Now Available!

You can access RSS of this blog site at http://zhangwenli.com/blog/feed.xml. You may also send me an email in one click to subscribe.

2013.10.23 15:56:00
Series: JavaScript Language Feature

Converting To Numbers In JavaScript

Sometimes we think someone or something is strange only because we expect differently. Number(), parstInt() and parseFloat are three ways to convert to Number type in JavaScript. However, they act differently and may suprise you in some cases. In this post, I would like to talk about what to expect from them and why they act differently.

2013.10.19 21:47:00
Series: How I made ...

How I made this site

I’ve re-designed my personal site recently since the old version had too much description words, which is not the best design I could offer as a Web Front-End Designer :smirk:. You may probably find some interesting features at this site (especially the home page), so this post is served as an introduction of how to implement them.


2014.03.28 10:25:28



2014.03.22 12:43:34



2014.03.10 18:22:07



2014.01.29 11:52:33



Creative Commons License
Every blog post in this site by Wenli Zhang is licensed under a CC 3.0 License, based on a work at Github. You can see the source code of this blog site at github.com/Ovilia/blog.