Blog of Wenli Zhang - 羡辙杂俎
A blog that you won't read.

About Me

I'm Ovilia and this blog is concerned about Web Front-End, my book reviews and other interesting topics. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me by email if you have any question.

Technical PostsRSS

2014.08.16 17:22:00

How to refer to a specific section in your blog? In-page Anchors When Mouse Moved On

When we want to refer to a specific post in our blog, we usually use an anchor like <a href="all.html">a full list of my posts</a>. Then, what if we want to refer to a specific section in a post, say, <h1>Who am I?</h1> in about-me.html? The point is, instead of wasting our visitors’ time reading everything before it, we’d like them to skip to that section with the URL provided. This post introduces how you can achieve this.

2014.08.15 22:39:00

New Color Scheme for My Blog

I redesigned the color scheme for my blog on 15th Aug, 2014. Checkout the difference here.

2014.08.09 11:23:00

Want your Website to stay modern? 10 Sans-serif Fonts for Your Headline

Ever wondering which font to choose for your headline? Here’s the list of 10 sans-serif Google Fonts you must have a look at.

2014.08.05 22:34:08

Pageview from Google Analytics for Your Blog

You can now display pageview information from your Google Analytics in your blog hosted anywhere! No server required. Pure JavaScript. This post introduces how to do it with Google Analytics superProxy.

2014.08.04 21:54:08

Replace-Last Filter for Jekyll Liquid

There are only replace and replace-last filter in Liquid gramma. So how can we replace the last character in Jekyll? This post introduces an ad-hoc method to do this, as well as how to make a View Source on GitHub feature.

2014.08.03 23:29:19

Make Your Own Social Sharing Bar with Jekyll

From time to time do we need a customerized social sharing bar for our blog, for reasons like to harmonize the appearance of the share link with blog. This post talks about how to use Jekyll to generate static links for blog posts, with no JavaScript or anything difficult involved.

2014.07.30 20:09:27
Series: Dive into Web Front-End Programming

04 - More about CSS Position

relative, absolute, fixed are three most frequently used CSS position values. Even if you think you know them already, this post may surprise you.

2014.07.15 22:57:38

Jekyll Related Posts without Plugin

This post introduces how to implement related posts function with Jekyll. Since GitHub disables plugin for security reasons, plugins like LawrenceWoodman / related_posts-jekyll_plugin cannot be used. Default site.related_posts may return recent posts when there aren’t enough posts sharing the same tags with current post.

2014.05.18 12:19:00

Jekyll Tag Searching

This post introduces how to achieve searching tags with Jekyll, without using a Jekyll Plugin. The basic idea is to display all posts grouped by tags, and then use CSS to hide all except posts with the searching tag. We can get the searching tag in URL query string using JavaScript.

2014.05.18 14:28:00
Series: Dive into Web Front-End Programming

03 - Dive into CSS

In this post, we introduce the CSS properties and most importantly, CSS position.

2014.05.02 14:12:00
Series: Dive into Web Front-End Programming

02 - Dive into HTML

We have introduced what HTML, CSS and JavaScript are and how they can work together in my previous post. In this post, we will have a deeper understanding of HTML and learn to make Web pages step by step.


2014.08.17 09:56:00



2014.08.11 18:32:00
系列博文:How I made ...

变卦:CSS / JavaScript 《易经》64卦酷炫实现


2014.07.25 23:41:00



2014.06.25 20:09:20

2014 上半年读书小结


2014.05.11 11:56:00



Creative Commons License
Every blog post in this site by Wenli Zhang is licensed under a CC 3.0 License, based on a work at Github. You can see the source code of this blog site at github.com/Ovilia/blog.